As a follow-on to the discussion of statics we need to consider whether a material subject to a given set of forces will break and if not, how much will it bend? To determine this, the first step is to compute the stress in the material. There are two flavors of stress, the normal stress which is the stress in the direction perpendicular to an imaginary plane in the material, and the shear stress which is the stress in the direction parallel to that same imaginary plane. Of course, this imaginary plane could be in any direction, so the magnitude of the normal and shear stresses depends strongly on the choice of said imaginary plane. How should one choose said plane and what is the relationship between normal and shear stresses? We’ll discuss that shortly, but first we’ll individually define normal then shear stress.
where F is the force (either tension or compression) acting perpendicular to an imaginary plane surface passing through a piece of material and A is the cross section area. It is called “normal” not in the sense of being “typical” or “standard” but in the sense of being perpendicular or orthogonal to the cross-section of the material. Stress is defined as positive if the material is in tension (i.e. the material is being pulled apart) and negative if the material is in compression (i.e. being squeezed together). From the definition it is clear that stress has units of force/area, i.e. the same as pressure. The units are typically N/m2 or lbf/in2. Often the unit of “kips” (kilopounds per square inch = 1000 lbf/in2) is used to report stress.
In order to characterize the deformation of a material in response to stress we define another property called strain (ε) which is the fractional amount of elongation (increase in length) or contraction (decrease in length) in a material caused by a stress. For example, if under a given amount of tensile stress, a steel bar stretches from a length (L) of 1.00 inch to 1.01 inch (a change in length, ΔL, of 0.01 inch) the strain = (1.0 – 1.00)/1.00 = 0.01. In other words,
For most materials (other than gooey ones, i.e. Silly Putty™, Play-Doh™, …) the amount of strain before failure is relatively small (i.e. less that 0.1, meaning that the material deforms less than 10% before failing.)
An elastic material has a linear relationship between stress and strain, i.e.
where E is called the elastic modulus, i.e. the slope of the plot of σ vs. ε in the elastic region shown in Figure 10. Note that since ε is dimensionless, E also has units of force per unit area.
The strength of a material is generally reported in terms of the maximum stress it can withstand. For a sufficiently small stress, materials return to their original length or shape after the stress is removed. The smallest stress for which the material does not return to its original length or shape after the stress is removed is called the yield stress (σ yield). Beyond this stress, generally the slope of the σ vs. ε plot generally (but not always) becomes smaller. There is often an increase in slope as ε is increased still further, up to a maximum σ called the “ultimate stress”, beyond which σ actually decreases as ε increases, leading finally to fracture (breakage) of the material at which point it can no longer hold any stress. A material’s yield stress may be (and usually is) different in tension, compression and shear.
Note that we can write Equation 20 in the form F/A = (ΔL/L)E or F = (EA/L)(ΔL), which looks just like the force on a linear spring, F = kx, with k = EA/L. (One might wonder what happened to the – sign, that is, isn’t F = -kx? Stress is usually defined as positive in tension where as for the spring F is defined as positive in compression.) So E and the material dimensions A and L determine its “spring constant.” Figure 10 shows examples of stress vs. strain (σ vs. ε) relationships for different materials. A ductile material such as steel will yield significantly before fracture whereas a brittle material such as a ceramic or concrete will fail without significant yielding, that is, the σ vs. ε curve is nearly linear up to the failure point. This doesn’t mean that ceramics are necessary weak, in fact they may have higher E than ductile materials, but they are unforgiving to over-stressing (really, over-straining.)
E and yield or ultimate stress have the same units (Pa or lbf/in2) but there is no particular relationship between E and yield or ultimate stress. Materials can be hard (high E) but break easily (low yield or ultimate stress) or vice versa.
direction stress is applied relative to the material. Many engineering materials are anisotropic, i.e. they are not isotropic. A typical example of such materials is graphite-epoxy composites composed of fibers of graphitic carbon (which have very high yield stress in the plane of the graphite sheets, and low yield stress in the direction perpendicular to this plane) that are bonded to an epoxy polymer, which has relatively low yield stress in tension but high yield stress in compression and shear. The result is a material that has very high stress for its weight. The Boeing 787 uses composites for most of the structure; this has the advantage of high ratio of yield stress to weight, no possibility of corrosion, and relative ease of forming into any desired shape. (One could also say that a much older material, i.e. wood, is also an anisotropic composite material.)
Of course, in any design one must employ a material with a yield stress greater than the actual stress in the material; the ratio of the yield stress of the material to the actual predicted stress in the material is call the factor of safety. For example, if a material has a yield stress in tension of 10,000 lbf/in2 and the system is designed such that the maximum tension is 2,500 lbf/in2 , the factor of safety for this particular design is (10,000 lbf/in2/2,500 lbf/in2) = 4, at least in tension.
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